Friday, September 14, 2007

... those were the days

In the process of browsing through my mom's old albums for a photo of my dad to do a profile on him, I simply HAD to share this old photo of my Aunt Kit taken - when? - before WWI, probably 1913. Of necessity, I've had to base my dating of mom's photos mostly on fashions of the day. That was a defining period, just before "bathing dresses and bonnets" were shed in favour of daring form-fitting woollen ones that - gasp! - exposed the knees!! Talk about liberation!

Just looking at my aunt's waist gives me gas. I can't even stand a tight belt. Imagine bending over with corsets that tight to do up those high boots. However, that being said, I would put up with a lot to wear hats like this. ..... and I'm not even a hat person. Just a romantic -


  1. What an incredible photograph! Such a treasure, and how wonderful for your family that you can write out what you know about it. I cannot imagine living back then; the fantastic hat notwithstanding, can you imagine being thought indecent for going outside without wearing one?

  2. Their lives were so many light-years removed from our own, I never tire of looking at my mother's albums, Jennifer, and marveling at how she and dad brought us through the Great Depression (to us) unscathed. And we never felt deprived ....

  3. what a fabulous photo and that hat ~ wow ... i adore hats and have quite a collection :)

  4. Ah, I love the photo. She looks like a daring woman. Not just the dress... the posture, and the way she looks ahead.

  5. Massimo, are you sure you didn't know my aunt in another life? How perceptive! Of all mom's sisters, she was liberated before her time. It's as if she was saying "I wear this hat because I choose to, not because it's expected of me" A delightful defiant lady!
